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5e Bar Chats

A simple, expressive chatbot based on my 1st D&D character

With 5e Bar Chats, the goal was to simulate a conversation with the monk Francis as he drinks his troubles away at a bar. Throughout talking with him, the player can ask him a range of questions that start off generic but become increasingly specific depending on the subject matter at hand.

The player must press space in order to advance in the conversation; when it is their turn to speak, the topics of conversation they can pursue appear below as interact-able buttons. Responses are also accompanied with a slider which controls your tone of voice when speaking to Francis and ranges from completely gentle to completely hostile.


Since you’re at a bar, you can also change your beverage at any time. Each beverage has a set alcohol content and they get more and more potent down the list.

Additionally, Francis introduces himself as an alcoholic; he will always one-up the player by drinking something just a tad more potent than they are. He’s also sensitive, and will take the player’s tone of voice personally. Code wise, there is a DialogueManager and a CharacterManager that tracks the player’s responses and updates Francis’s sadness & intoxication levels accordingly. There’s a formula that takes the value of the player’s drink potency and tone of voice and applies the resulting float to a Mood Plotting/ Mood Ring-esq Cartesian Plane in which the X axis is Francis’s intoxication, and the Y axis is his sadness. His sprite and language also have a chance at changing depending on how high either of his stats are. If he’s more drunk than sad, he will start cursing a lot, but if he’s more sad than drunk he’ll be more passive and mellow.

The system involves absolutely no additional plugins and is based on my own branching dialogue system built from scratch and contained entirely within Unity.

In development from : 11/26/18 - 12/11/18

Made with Unity, Adobe Illustrator

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